Saturday, August 02, 2008


Grave misunderstanding...

The MENU which Sato-san was talking about is the exercise menu and not Food menu, as you mite have thought. The order gets taller.

A cute m/c was employed to calculate my total body fat to be a brute 30.3% , a cool 10% more than the mean normal average value that can be found in a mean normal average body.

Weight - 84.2 Kilos

A record of sorts today; Both meals @ home !
Pulihora for lunch , Brinjal + Tomato + Capsicum curry for dinner.

Started watching Wall-E afternoon but slept half way through , thereby missing the chance to view another hanabi ( fireworks) in Tokyo.

The post lunch seista can also be attributed to the menacing disturbance from upstairs while your narrator is having a peaceful weekend sleep this morning.

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